On Sunday morning, Mark was tuning his guitar on-stage at Woodmen Valley Chapel, when a man approached him and told him a quick story.
Just a week earlier, this man was in Kenya worshipping along fellow African believers. After the service, he approached the pastor and they began chatting about the worship songs in the church. They discussed the need for fresh, new worship in their church. The pastor agreed and asked for some examples of new music. At that point, the American pulled out his iPod and picked the song "More Of You". He put the earphones in, and as the song progressed, the pastor had tears streaming down his face. He said he was ministered to by the song and encouraged to bring new songs to the congregation.
Who knew that this recording in Beijing, China would minister to a man in Kenya, Africa just a year later? We are thankful that God uses us as tools in His Kingdom and we are praying that the ministry of this project would continue to spread to the far corners of the Earth.