The past 72 hours has been a real Beijing Blur. But a good one!
On Friday Mark & I scheduled back-to-back coffees with friends. It was so wonderful to catch up with their lives. Then Daniel hosted a drop in party for us Friday night. We had SUCH FUN. Chinese worship leaders & musicians, friends from the BICF, new babies, my language teacher, and even our former driver, Xiao Wang, were in the throng. We trashed Daniel's apartment but had made memories in the process.
Saturday we lead worship all day for BICF's spiritual life conference. The speakers for the event were Stuart & Jill Brisoce. We knew from working with them before that the day would also be a very restorative for Mark & I. And it was! Wonderful, wonderful subject matter of 'walking in the spirit'. Another bonus of the day was getting play with Beijing's best bast player and our semi-adopted son Timon from Dominica.
Sunday was filled with services, conversations, dim sum, and a praise rally. But our biggest news from the weekend was an expected but none-the-less thrilling phone call from our son Benjamin. He's engaged! Yes. Ben & Megan are officially heading towards marriage. We are SO excited for them and thankful beyond words. We'd been anxiously awaiting the 'she said yes' phone call and was relieved to get it. Even if it came smack in the middle of a worship song!
It's now 5am on Monday morning and I'm up before the guys. Which, if you really know me, you know all glory belongs to jet lag because I'm usually the last one up! In 4 hours we catch the train to Hong Kong. So I'll be blogging again once we arrive in southern China.